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Comparing the Cost of an Online Bachelors Degree Program

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Is an online degree expensive?

Comparing the Cost of an Online Bachelors Degree Program

Online bachelor degree programs vary considerably in terms of cost but it's important to keep the “big picture” in mind when comparing the cost of obtaining an online bachelors degree to that of a traditional program. Depending upon the type of institution {public or private, technical or degree}, the program of study and level of degree {associates, bachelors or graduate}; the cost of the online degree program may vary from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per course. However, the total cost of obtaining an online bachelors degree doesn't stop at paying the tuition. In fact, it's possible that an online degree program may actually save you money even if the tuition is higher since many people find they can continue their education without taking time off work to attend classes!

To get an idea of how much an online degree program will cost here are a few items to keep in mind:

  • Tuition,
    Books and Supplies,
    Internet Connection,
    Computer: To calculate how much a traditional degree program will cost you would need to include all of the above plus the following:
  • Travel to and from classes:
    Parking, tolls, parking decals for student parking, etc.
  • Time off work
  • Meals on campus
It doesn't take long for most people to recognize a major savings in terms of both time and money by completing their degree online. If you are searching for a convenient but lower cost online degree program then begin by exploring public colleges and universities that offer online degree courses. Particularly if you are in-state, tuition is usually substantially less than other programs and you may be eligible for financial aid or tuition reimbursement to assist with the cost!



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