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Transferring Credit for Technology Degree Programs

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How can I transfer credit for a technology degree program?

Transferring Credit for Technology Degree Programs

Many people are interested in taking online technology courses to continue or complete a degree online, but are unsure how to transfer credit or determine if the courses they took elsewhere will be accepted. Here is what you need to understand about transferring credits toward a degree program.

First, make sure the college or university is accredited by one of the following accreditation entities:

  • Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges
  • Southern Association of Schools and Colleges
  • North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Colleges and universities that are accredited by one of the above programs are widely recognized as adhering to a level of quality which is recognized by other accredited schools. For example, if you earn a bachelors degree from an accredited college and then wish to pursue a masters degree at another college you have assurance it will be recognized. Likewise, if you have taken classes at an accredited college and wish to transfer them to another program, then you have confidence they are of equal quality.

That might not be enough! It's important to understand that each school has different rules determining what is required to earn a degree including a minimum number of hours that must be earned at a college before they grant a degree. You may need to take more classes at the new school in order to comply with the standards set by that school. Be sure to ask how many credit hours must be earned at the school itself in order to be eligible to graduate.

Another common situation is differences between program requirements. Some colleges have required courses with elective courses that are different from the program of study you may have encountered at your former college. Find out in advance if you will need to take additional courses, prerequisites or other requirements in order to complete your degree. Pay special attention to the prefixes of courses. Courses that may sound the same can be quite different!

To assure you receive as much credit as possible and fully understand what will be required, speak to an academic advisor and request a full review for transfer students in order to determine in advance what you will be able to transfer.



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